Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Melancholy ...

Main Entry: melancholy
Function: adjective
1 a: suggestive or expressive of melancholy (sang) b: causing or
tending to cause sadness or depression of mind or spirit : DISMAL
2 a: depressed in spirits : DEJECTED, SAD b: PENSIVE

No, not looking for tall buildings or bridges yet -- just having one of those days.

Today it seems as though the rest of the world is moving way too fast for me. Like a scene from "the Matrix" -- my body and mind seem to be standing still while those around me rush forward into some fabulous, yet unknown, future. I don't seem to be able to catch up - maybe I don't even want to anymore {shrugs} ... who knows. But the overall effect is one of bemusement.

Perhaps I should just blame it all on the weather. The heavy clouds have moved in over the city here and the fluorescent lighting of the office just doesn't seem to be able to cut through the gloom. I could blame it on my supervisor (as I often do), but he's not even here today. Then again the very fact that he is not here (and I am) could be a valid point of blame as well. Maybe its just life.

Don't get me wrong, life is good. I have my health, family, a good paying job (that I used to enjoy - ha!), a wonderful partner and daughter (and very near-future son-in-law), food, shelter, and security. According to Maslow I should be overjoyed.

If I were to listen to my own counsel -- a good swift kick in the ass sounds like what I need; but since I'm not double-jointed I guess I'll have to pass. I could just spend the rest of the day bent over in sacrificial offering to passersby with large boots ..... naw! - somehow I think that would be badly misinterpreted. HA!

Anyway, enough of that. I can't wait to get back to Dallas. To the arms of my friends and the comfort of home. I miss the sincere craziness and the heartfelt love that emanates from it. I miss the smiles and the laughter -- the sunshine -- the hugs. I miss ..... hmmmmm

(Editors Note)
We're very sorry for the abrupt ending. The author has appeared to have drifted off into another world. The last thing we remember is the sounds of heels clicking together and a persistent murmuring of "there's no place like home, there's no place like home ..."